Guan'gai paishui xuebao (Aug 2023)
Using Eddy Covariance Method to Analyze Energy Balance of Jujube Orchard in Arid Areas
【Objective】 Jujube is an important cash crop in the arid region in northwestern China. Understanding energy dynamics in it is hence crucial to improving water use efficiency. This paper is to analyze the energy balance in a jujube orchard using the eddy covariance. 【Method】 Flux from a jujube orchard was measured from 2018 to 2019 using the eddy covariance method. The data were used to analyze the patterns and distribution of the energy changes, and daily variations in the thermal storage. 【Result】 ① Daily average energy change in net radiation, latent heat flux, sensible heat flux, and soil heat flux exhibited a single-peaked pattern in each month, primarily driven by net radiation changes. ② The annual 30-minute energy balance ratio in 2018 and 2019 was 73.45% and 73.11%, respectively. Incorporating the heat storage term increased the energy balance by 3.72% and 2.75% to 77.17% and 75.86%, respectively, in 2018 and 2019. ③ The daily change in soil heat storage exhibited similar pattern during the fertility and dormancy stage. Latent and sensible heat storage showed different patterns between fertility and dormancy stage, while photosynthesis and canopy heat storage were zero during the dormancy stage and displayed typical daily variation during the fertility stage. 【Conclusion】 The thermal storage has a minimal contribution to the energy balance. Thus, the energy allocation to the jujube is influenced mainly by water, vegetation types and climate.