Journal of Dentistry Indonesia (Oct 2015)
Gangguan Tumbuh Kembang Gigi pada Anak Talasemia di RSCM
The problem of growth and development in thalassemia children is known as Fasies Cooley. Thalassemia is a genetic disease, the characteristic symptom is anemia, protrusion of upper dentition and maxilla hypertrophy. To prevent this disfigurement, the first step is to identify dental growth and development disorder. Data was collected from 143 thalassemia children in RSCM, thalassemia β mayor: 74 subjects and thalassemia HbE: 69 subjects. The population was deutero melayu and 6-18 years old. The observation was done clinically and from dental cast. The dental growth and development of thalassemia children was retarded, it seems one manifestation of the somatic growth retardation. The dental characteristic of thalassemia was spacing, protrusion and deep bite. The frequency of prolong retention and premature loss of primary dentition, the Class I relations of canines and first permanent molars were not different with normal children. The dental characteristic was not significant different.