Rassegna Iberistica (Jun 2023)
L’Europa letteraria a través de cartas inéditas de Dario Puccini
This article deals with the analysis of the works of the Italian Hispanist Dario Puccini. For this purpose, his publications on the magazine L’Europa letteraria, founded and directed by Giancarlo Vigorelli, have been examined alongside his correspondence with the major Spanish writers at the time: Rafael Alberti, Max Aub, Vicente Aleixandre, José Agustín Goytisolo and the Italian scholar Oreste Macrì. The letters with these last two are unpublished and kept in the Contemporary Archive ‘Alessandro Bonsanti’, Gabinetto G.P. Vieusseux in Florence. Thanks to these texts, new information about the projects of Dario Puccini will emerge.