Colombia Internacional (Apr 2023)
Nodos, centralidad y éxito legislativo en México: redes políticas en la Cámara de Diputados
Objective/context: This study examines the influence of the centrality measures of deputies on the probability of success of legislative initiatives in the LXIII Legislature of the Chamber of Deputies in Mexico (2015-2018). Methodology: By analyzing the co-sponsorships and subscriptions of legislative initiatives, we constructed a network and estimated different centrality measures. Subsequently, we used logistic regression models to evaluate the effect of these variables on the probability of initiative approval. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that legislators with a high number of connections, as measured by degree-outputs, are more likely to see their initiatives approved, which is due to reciprocal relationships that arise from supporting other legislators’ bills. Originality: Our results—obtained from 5,275 observations—offer new insights into the influence of legislators’ connections and the success of their initiatives while broadening the existing understanding of the Mexican Legislative Branch.