Fontes Linguae Vasconum (Dec 2008)

Goizueta: Arrukabordak auzitan (1795-1799)

  • Patziku Perurena

Journal volume & issue
no. 109
pp. 443 – 479


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Goizuetako baserria da Gorrene, Alkaintzin auzoan beranduskoen egindakoa, eta hango nagusia, Tomas Joxepe Perurena, ardiborda egiten hasi zenean Garaizar aldean 1795ean –hartan ere auzoak baino franko beranduago– eragozpenak sortu zitzaizkion, batik bat, oso bertan zituen Olasoko eta Marijoangoneko ardiborden nagusiek sartutako kexagatik. Hartatik piztuko zen auzia, gero herri guzira zabaldu eta beste lau urtez luzatu zena. Auzi hartako goitibehitiak aztertzen dira lan honetan, euskal hiztegietan oraindik jaso gabeko “arrukaborda” hitzetik hasi eta, Baztanen 1696an idatzitako ordenantzak aipatuz, Goizuetan orduan bizi zen ardiborden egoera eta araudia azaltzeraino. Gorrene is the name of a farmhouse in Goizueta, the last one built in the Alkaintzin neighbourhood. When in 1795 Tomas Joxepe Perurena, the owner of the house, started to build a barn for his sheep in the vicinity of Garaizar –quite a bit later than the other residents–, he came up against a number of obstacles. The most significant of these was the one which arose from the complaint presented by the owners of the Olaso and Marijoangonea barns, both very near to his own and also used to house livestock. The ensuing lawsuit affected the entire village and lasted four years. The differences which stemmed from the conflict are analysed in this study. The research begins with a presentation of the word “arrukaborda”, still not to be found in any Basque dictionary. Reference is then made to the ordinances written in Baztán in 1696. The text goes on to describe the situation in Goizueta at the time regarding barns for livestock.
