F1000Research (Apr 2019)
Early hyaluronidase use in preventing skin necrosis after treatment with dermal fillers: Report of two cases [version 2; peer review: 2 approved, 1 not approved]
Injection of dermal fillers, like hyaluronic acid (HA), is a safe procedure, with few and transient side effects such as erythema, bruising and swelling etc. The aim of this report is to provide our protocol for the early treatment of necrotic complications after facial treatment with dermal fillers. We present two cases of skin suffering of the face after dermal infiltration of HA, treated successfully with our early protocol. Our protocol includes the early infiltration of hyaluronidase in the treated areas. We start with infiltration of hyaluronidase distributed over the area to be treated through micro-injections with dosage 40 IU per cm2. Our protocol includes the use of systemic corticosteroids for 4 days, anti-aggregation therapy, oral antibiotic, topical cream with nitric oxide and compresses with gauze and warm water. In the skin complications after dermal filler treatment, marked pain and characteristic reticulated erythema in the skin distribution of the affected vessels is often developed. Due to the implementation of our protocol in these patients, we managed to avoid an irreversible necrotic complication of the face in both cases. In this report, our protocol was compared with results published in the literature and allowed us to avoid complications such as skin necrosis with permanent damage.