Veterinary World (Dec 2010)
Epidemiology of Canine Mammary Gland Tumours in Gujarat
Last three years’ (2006-2009) retrospective information was retrieved by scrutinizing the data bank of the College Hospital. During this period 8337 canine cases were registered. Amongst them 2070 cases were referred to Department of Surgery for further surgical treatment. Out of 2070 canine cases, 158 cases (7.63 %) had various neoplastic condition and amongst them 63 cases (39.87 %) were of mammary gland tumours. The overall incidence of canine mammary gland tumours was 0.75 per cent of the total canine cases. The highest occurrence of canine mammary tumour cases was found in the dogs aged 8 to 12 years (49.21 %) followed by those aged 4 to 8 years (33.33 %). It was least (4.76 %) in youger dogs less than 4 years and intermediate (12.70 %) in older dogs above 12 years of age. Breed-wise higher occurrence was found in German Shepherd and Pomeranian as compared to other breeds. [Vet. World 2010; 3(6.000): 282-285]