Agronomy (Feb 2020)
Induced Mutagenesis Enhances Lodging Resistance and Photosynthetic Efficiency of Kodomillet (<i>Paspalum Scrobiculatum</i>)
The present research was focused in the development of photosynthetically efficient (PhE) and non-lodging mutants by utilizing ethyl methane sulphonate (EMS) and gamma radiation in the kodomillet variety CO 3, prone to lodging. Striking variations in a number of anatomical characteristics of leaf anatomy for PhE and culm thickness for lodging resistance was recorded in M2 (second mutant) generation. The identified mutants were subjected to transcriptomic studies to understand their molecular basis. Expression profiling was undertaken for pyruvate phosphate dikinase (PPDK), Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Hydrogen—(NADPH) and NADP-dependent malate dehydrogenase (NADP-MDH) in the mutants CO 3-100-7-12 (photosynthetically efficient) and in CO 3-200-13-4 (less efficient). For lodging trait, two mutants CO 3-100-18-22 (lodged) and CO 3-300-7-4 (non-lodged) were selected for expression profiling using genes GA2ox6 and Rht-B. The studies confirmed the expression of PPDK increased 30-fold, NADP-ME2 ~1-fold and NADP-MDH10 was also highly expressed in the mutant CO 3-100-7-12. These expression profiles suggest that kodomillet uses an NADP-malic enzyme subtype C4 photosynthetic system. The expression of Rht-B was significantly up regulated in CO 3-300-7-4. The study highlights the differential expression patterns of the same gene in different lines at different time points of stress as well as non-stress conditions. This infers that the mutation has some effect on their expression; otherwise the expression levels will be unaltered. Enhancement in grain yield could be best achieved by developing a phenotype with high PhE and culm with thick sclerenchyma cells.