Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana (Jan 2016)

Kwestia całościowego podejścia do człowieka

  • Wojciech Misztal

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1


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The purpose of this article is to draw attention to the question of a holistic approach to the human person. From the wide range proper to this issue there are presented the following three fundamental areas of human life: 1) spirituality, 2) communication, 3) care relative to health. The article is based on the sources recognized as particularly importantinfluential for the specified themes such: the Bible, the teaching of the Catholic Church, the information about the media’s reports related to human being, the information related to the concern for the health and the approach to the human person. These data were divided and presented with regard to the area of the spirituality, the interpersonal communication and the area related to the concern for health. It is necessary to take ever more fully into account a holistic approach to the human person as the condition of good communication and effective care of health.
