Актуальные проблемы филологии и педагогической лингвистики (Sep 2020)
The cognitive-pragmatic parameters of floronimic names in the frame structure “food” (on the English language matirial)
The article deals with the problems of cognitive and pragmalinguistic parameterization of floronims in the frame structure “food”. To achieve the goal – to identify and describe the specifics of the cognitive and pragmatic parameters of floronims in the frame structure “food” – on the basis of the cognitive-frame approach, traditional methods for linguistics are used (descriptions, observations, combining units into classes based on obligative features) and definition analysis. The article clarifies the structure of the frame”food”, offers arguments for the use of the term macroframe as to this object; defines its complex structural organization, taking into account the presence of elements of two ranks; analyzes frames and subframes formed by floronims. A set of parameters that are significant for the macroframe”food”, correlations of cognitive and pragmalinguistic parameters and frame structure are established; the selected parameters of floronims and ways of their actualization in the analyzed frame structure are classified based on the material of plants’ names in the English language. Such parameters of floronims as form, size, colour and taste in the structure of the frame “food” are defined as obligatory cognitive parameters, while the motivational and actual target parameters are defined as pragmatic ones. The article substantiates the predominance of endocomposite names in the macroframe “food”, which have actualized cognitive and pragmalinguistic parameters. Cognitive-frame approach allows a more detailed parameterization of the linguistic units, including floronimic ones, to describe systematically the components of a frame structure concerning the naive and scientific language worldview, the status and intentions of communicators, the specific spheres of functioning (professional/ common), and grammar features in a language, recorded in a language-specific representations (as to the analyzed frame structure – floronimic).