Sociologies (Oct 2023)

Adapter le travail : affecter les un·es à un travail qui les affecte tous·tes

  • Amélie Pierre,
  • Nathalie Burnay



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This article intends to show the complexity with which the collective constituted by the adapted work enterprise (ETA) is confronted. The adaptation of work to each individual implies that all have to deal with questions of qualification and categorisation which lead to forms of confrontation. Its effects are ambivalent because the work group is caught between the two aspects of this tension: the personalised adaptation to each person’s disabilities and the necessary productivity of the worker and the company subject to economic imperatives. Thus, we show that this tension can be so great that it requires the members of the collective to redouble their efforts and vigilance in order to maintain a balance that is always unstable. Through its various aspects, as told by its members and observed within an ETA, this article aims to show how the affective and moral charge, the generalized interdependence and the ontological indeterminacy proper to this situation are deployed.
