Symbolon (Apr 2023)

Cultura anulării, între revanșă istorică și poetică futuristă restaurată

  • Eugen Păsăreanu

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 23, no. 1(42)
pp. 7 – 15


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Cancel Culture, Between a Historical Revenge and a Restored Poetics of Futurism The study aims to analyze the phenomenon of cancel culture and the references that can be drawn between the subsumed manifestations of cancel culture and futurism, as defined at the beginning of the twentieth century by the Italian poet Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. By reviewing the changes that the artistic avant-garde brings to the arts and observing how the twentieth century highlights art as a statement and the subjectivity of the artist as a unique landmark, the paper identifies a tendency of political and social actions to be inspired, although not assumed, by a poetic area, by a high and permissive invisible that justifies, beyond ideology, social behaviours. Beyond the stakes of historical reparation and prevention of discrimination, which the cancel culture proposes, we will try to identify a possible cause of the poetic anchoring of the phenomenon, as well as the risks associated with this inverted mimesis: a reality which imitates art in order to preserve the vitality and the expressiveness of its actions.
