Вестник Кемеровского государственного университета (May 2019)
Hate Speech as a Manipulative Means of Forming the Inimical Image of Russia in British and American Mass-Media (viewed from the Aspect of the English Language Taught to Russian Students)
The research features manipulative technologies aimed at forming the inimical image of Russia in British and American mass-media. The inimical conception, when intentionally built, is predetermined by the already existing stereotype of an enemy, whose most evident and manifest features are singled out and enclosed into the image thus constructed. The stereotype, in its turn, can be traced back to the most ancient archetype of a hostile member of a different tribe, perilous to the group he intends to destroy. The image of Russia created by the British and American mass-media is overloaded with negative connotations as contrasted with a highly positive self-image of the British and Americans. Russia is presented as an aggressor that interferes with other countries’ affairs, while its opponents, as they claim, fight against terrorism and meet other global challenges. Nothing is farther from the truth but the manipulative technologies employed help to drive this idea into the readers’ heads. The British and American media-language turns to “hate speech” whenever they refer to Russia. Most effective, though over-exploited, is its constant repetition. All this serves as a substitute for actual facts, logic, and arguments. The question arises: what should EFL students do with the language material that often misinforms or insults their country? The answer is obvious: never degrade yourself by attacking or insulting the opponents. They might be entrapped in the war rhetoric or the stereotypes and be truly convinced of the Russians’ hostility. Consider the facts, but not emotions, and manipulation will miss you or your friendly attitude to Englishmen and Americans as a target.