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There are online resources that provide answers to frequently asked questions. The OA Journals Toolkit and the PLACE discussion forum are two examples, and DOAJ plays an active role in both.
Please contact our Help Desk if you want to send us feedback, have questions about our website or services, or have a complaint.
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- If you want to support us financially, please contact our Supporters team.
Providing us with information or updates about journals
- If you want to provide confidential information about a journal we index, contact our Help Desk. Please remember to include the journal title and ISSN.
- If you find that the information we display about a journal is outdated, please use the 'Feedback' button at the side of each journal record.
- If you are the publisher/owner/editor of a journal that needs to be updated, log into your DOAJ account and submit an update request via the 'My journals' tab on your Publisher dashboard.
Publishers or journal editors
- If you want us to index your journal, make sure your journal meets all of our Basic criteria and then you can submit an application.
- Publishers with journals in DOAJ will find information about their account and journals on our Publisher information page.
- If you need help with journal or article metadata, read our Metadata help page.