中西医结合护理 (Aug 2023)
Nursing of an elderly patient with constipation complicated with stage IV pressure injuries (1例老年便秘患者伴IV期压力性损伤的护理体会)
This article summarized the treatment and nursing measures of an elderly patient with constipation and stage IV pressure injuries. Comprehensive treatment and nursing including wound debridement, combination of dressing change, disinfection and medication, diet guidance and psychological care were carried out to improve the wound healing and relieve the pain. (本文总结了1例老年便秘患者伴IV期压力性损伤的治疗护理措施。入院后根据患者创面情况进行清创, 联合敷料、消毒、药物多频次换药, 并配合饮食指导、心理护理等干预, 促进伤口愈合, 减轻患者痛苦, 提高生活质量。)