Mitochondrial DNA. Part B. Resources (Jul 2020)
Six additional mitochondrial genomes for North American nightsnakes (Dipsadidae: Hypsiglena) and a novel gene feature for advanced snakes
The North American nightsnakes in the genus Hypsiglena is composed of nine named and at least two unnamed species. Here, we provide the first mt-genome of H. affinis, an additional mt-genome for H. sp. nov. 1, and four additional mt-genomes from the widespread H. jani. These mtDNA genomes were sequenced using both Illumina and Ion Torrent sequencing technologies. The resulting genomes contained the expected 13 protein coding genes, 22 tRNA genes, 2 rRNA genes, and 2 control regions typical of colubroid snakes. Two of the H. jani samples had partial tRNAIle genes upstream of CR2 which has not been previously documented in colubroid snakes. A maximum likelihood gene-tree based on these data combined with previously published sequence data recovers a well-supported phylogeny and is in concordance with previous estimates of evolutionary relationships in this group.