Scientific Reports (May 2022)
Detection of balance disorders using rotations around vertical axis and an artificial neural network
Abstract Vestibular impairments affect patients' movements and can result in difficulties with daily life activities. The main aim of this study is to answer the question whether a simple and short test such as rotation about a vertical axis can be an objective method of assessing balance dysfunction in patients with unilateral vestibular impairments. A 360˚ rotation test was performed using six MediPost devices. The analysis was performed in three ways: (1) the analytical approach based only on data from one sensor; (2) the analytical approach based on data from six sensors; (3) the artificial neural network (ANN) approach based on data from six sensors. For approaches 1 and 2 best results were obtained using maximum angular velocities (MAV) of rotation and rotation duration (RD), while approach 3 used 11 different features. The following sensitivities and specificities were achieved: for approach 1: MAV—80% and 60%, RD—69% and 74%; for approach 2: 61% and 85% and RD—74% and 56%; for approach 3: 88% and 84%. The ANN-based six-sensor approach revealed the best sensitivity and specificity among parameters studied, however one-sensor approach might be a simple screening test used e.g. for rehabilitation purposes.