Ekonomiczne Problemy Turystyki (Jan 2016)
Zróżnicowanie przestrzenne bazy noclegowej jako determinanta ruchu turystycznego w Polsce
The aim of the study was to analyze the spatial differentiation of accommodation facilities in Poland and its use by the participants of tourism. The scope of work included the presentation of the resources and structure of tourist accommodation in Poland in 2014 and generic spatial analysis and the database on the basis of selected indicators. It was found that the development of tourist accommodation in Poland is very uneven. The highest level of all the analyzed indicators are characterized by the Zachodniopomorskie, Pomorskie and Małopolskie, where the level of tourism development is also the largest. The lowest value of most indicators, both those related to the development of accommodation and its use, are characterized by Świętokrzyskie, Opolskie, Podlaskie and Lubelskie, as a result of the weak development of hotel accommodation in these regions