RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism (Dec 2021)

Mediatizatsiya telesnosti i biopolitiki v kiberkul'ture

  • Ekaterina A. Alekseeva

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 26, no. 4
pp. 656 – 663


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The article analyzes the ways of biopolitical control based on the corporeality deep mediatization in cyberculture. It is argued that such mediatization is inevitable process because of all-pervading interaction between bodies, technologies, media, etc. Thus, peoples corporeality includes in complex system of different mediatized lifeforms. The article concentrates on the two forms of the corporeality deep mediatization in cyberculture. The key features of these forms are pointed out and investigated. It is standed that specific of these forms makes people corporeality permeable for biopolitical control. The ways of mediatized biopolitical control and their dangerous are demonstrated. Besides, it is shown that the mediatized biopolitical control sometimes makes people to face with the choice between mediatization and death. The author proposes the question if the biopolitical control is inevitable due to the deep corporeality mediatization.
