Medios impresos versus digitales: de la agónica lectura de periódicos a los nuevos consumos de información digital
The print media crisis has worsened in the last five years. Added to the decline in newspaper sales is the growing loss of influence on an new audience hyperconnected and overinformed. The analysis carried out shows that the causes of the crisis are complex. The Internet´s free culture, the fragmentation of audiences, the competition of other operators (digital press, news aggregators, social networks) or the print media crisis of contents itself are factors to take into consideration. The transition to a new model of quality written press, published less frequently, which includes alternative contents and information rigorously fact-checked should start sooner than later. The convergence between print and digital media will also guarantee the survival of a sector that must strive to recover its identity and reinforce its credibility in an information environment saturated by misinformation and the presence of fake news.