Journal of Research in Education Sciences (Jun 2016)

師資培育制度變革與師範校院轉型:社會制度論的分析與反思 Teacher Education Reform and Its Impact on Teachers Colleges in Taiwan: An Analysis and Reflections Based on Sociological Institutionalism

  • 謝卓君 Chuo-Chun Hsieh

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 61, no. 2
pp. 29 – 56


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多元化師資培育制度自1994 年《師資培育法》實施至今已超過20 年,這個制度的變化過程中,原本獨占師資培育管道的師範校院面臨機構轉型的壓力。本研究之目的在於從組織社會學的觀點,瞭解多元化師資培育制度變革可能對於師資培育機構造成的影響。研究以社會制度論為理論架構,採取個案研究法,透過政策文本分析與訪談,分析我國幾近兩世紀以來師資培育制度的變化,並探究師範校院在此一過程中的因應與轉型。研究結果發現,早期的師資培育制度改革聚焦制度環境忽略技術環境,個案機構採順服制度以取得組織合法性;發展至後期,制度環境與技術環境的差距逐漸縮小,個案機構需要同時考量組織合法性與增加技術效率以提升組織競爭力。為因應師資培育制度的變化,個案組織採取強制性、模仿性與規範性等多種機制,並反映出鬆散的結構特性。最後,根據研究結果對於當前師資培育制度的發展與師範校院的困境,提出批判反省。 The 1994 Teacher Education Act marked the start of a more diversified system of teacher training in Taiwan. Subsequently, the number of teacher education providers increased substantially; consequently, the normal universities and colleges, which had been the dominant organizations participating in teacher preparation in Taiwan, were pressured to adapt. To understand how teacher colleges have adjusted to the reform of the teacher education system, this study conducted a textual analysis of relevant documents and policies released during 1994-2014 and interviewed members of a selected teacher college. Sociological institutionalism was utilized as a theoretical framework to analyze the institutional changes and organizational adaptations. The research findings showed that at the earlier stage of the teacher education reform, the prevailing trend was to focus on changing the institutional environment, and the case study college complied with this orientation in both letter and spirit to maintain its organizational legitimacy. At the later stage, however, the teacher education reform started incorporating additional changes related to the technical environment, and this caused the case study teachers college to increase its focus on technical efficiency to strengthen its organizational competitiveness. The experience of the case study college when choosing among diverse mechanisms (i.e., coercive, mimetic, and normative) to adapt to institutional change revealed that the organization in question exhibited a loosely coupled organizational structure. This paper offers reflections on the institutional reform of teacher education as well as the transformation of the case study teachers college.
