Osvìtnìj Prostìr Ukraïni (Oct 2018)
The article proves that educational work with children should be aimed at teaching preschoolers to know, understand and explain the phenomena of nature, their causes, interconnections and dependencies.The author has shown that in order to teach children to be aware of the relationships and dependencies that exist in nature, it is necessary for children to learn the knowledge of its phenomena, their essence, causes – all in nature interconnected, and, at the same time, has a certain significance in human life .It was stated that the organization of such a way of teaching children promotes the emergence of their interest in living and inanimate nature, forms a desire for new information about it, stimulates cognitive activity.Consequently, the active assimilation by children of preschool age of available ideas about natural relationships, phenomena and objects is a key factor in the effective formation of environmental knowledge and the implementation of environmental education.The communication of preschoolers with diverse objects of nature during walks, excursions creates real opportunities for learning about the rules of nature management. A special role belongs to the independent cultivation and care of plants and animals, as this activity forms the need for communication with nature, motives, feelings, and interests of children.An important role belongs to the education of the desire to work in nature. It is in the process of work that the task of acquaintance with nature, and on this basis – and the harmonious development of the personality, is the most complex.Nature is a powerful means of aesthetic upbringing of preschoolers. Studies have shown the idea that in aesthetic education, one must strive for the unity of emotional and cognitive. In the process of perception, it is necessary to expand and deepen associative connections of children, processes of analysis and synthesis, activating the mental process and emotional attitude to perception.The main way of forming aesthetic impressions is by observing nature, complemented by a teacher’s story about their aesthetic qualities, and the beauty of the environment. Studies have shown that preschoolers are able to perceive the beauty of the landscape. Using other means of illustrative material, the educator can consolidate, enrich aesthetic impressions, while communicating with nature.Key words: nature, ecology, preschooler development, ecological development