Revista Gearte (Aug 2017)
Triangular approach on Art Education and Visual Cultures: a complex theory in permanent construction to a constant answer to the contemporary
The contribution of the Triangular Approach to the transformation of the processes of teaching the arts and teaching visual cultures in Brazil and Latin America since the end of the 1980s is undeniable. And even systematized at the end of the twentieth century, we observe that the Approach has been improved both from the researches that observe it in practice, and from research that seeks to deepen in the theoretical and epistemological spheres. Starting from the ideas of Ana Mae Barbosa, in its systematization, terminological adequacy, explicitation of the foundations and unfolding of the founding concepts of the Triangular Approach, walking through the observation of Rizzi on its complex character, with the definition of Azevedo that puts it like theory, and its resulting in Arteducativa and Virada Arteducativa praxis and Silva's notes on the transdisciplinary nature, characterizing Art and Education as areas of knowledge / macroconcepts and the interrelation of these as trans-areas.