Physical Review Special Topics. Accelerators and Beams (Nov 2007)
High power 352 MHz solid state amplifiers developed at the Synchrotron SOLEIL
In SOLEIL, 5 solid state amplifiers provide the required rf power at 352 MHz: 1×35 kW in the booster and 4×190 kW in the storage ring. They consist in a combination of a large number of 330 W elementary modules (1×147 in the booster and 4×724 in the storage ring), based on a design developed in-house, with MOSFETs (metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors), integrated circulators, and individual power supplies. Although quite innovative and challenging for the required power range, this technology is very attractive and presents significant advantages as compared to the more conventional vacuum tubes, klystrons, or inductive output tubes (IOTs). The booster and two of the storage ring power plants have been successfully commissioned and the first operational experience is quite satisfactory. The amplifiers proved to be very reliable as well as easy and flexible in operation; they have not been responsible for any beam time loss.