Cybergeo (May 2008)

Révision de l'atlas Polmar-Terre du Département de la Manche : vers un SIG opérationnel interservices

  • Iwan Le Berre,
  • Frédéric Quemmerais,
  • Bernard Fichaut



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The French Polmar-Terre contingency plans aims at organizing the action of governmental services in the event of major marine pollution affecting the French coasts. Set up by the local Prefect, such plans contain a marine pollution sensitivity atlas, i.e. an operational document that states and prioritize the geomorphological, ecological and socio-economical stakes of the local coastal zone.This paper presents an updated version of the Polmar-Terre atlas of the Département de la Manche, that have been ordered to GEOMER by the Basse-Normandie Regional Direction of the Environment and the MIMEL. The method used to produce the atlas, especially regarding the building of the sensitivity indexes and their mapping, is presented to feed the current discussion about the national standardization of Polmar-Terre atlases. According to the recommendations of the Polmar-Terre Revision Guide of CEDRE, this work is based on the development of an interservices GIS. Its implementation constraints and its current and future stakes are discussed in the frame of the MIMEL’s Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure purposes.
