Paedagoria (Sep 2021)
Abstrak: Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) merupakan salah satu provinsi di Indonesia yang juga merasakan dampak akibat pandemi Covid-19, salah satu sektor yang juga terkena dampak pandemi Covid-19 yaitu sektor Pendidikan. Sistem pembelajaran daring (dalam jaringan) menjadi pilihan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah agar kegiatan belajar mengajar (KBM) di masa pendemi Covid-19 tetap berjalan, sekalipun banyak kendala yang dirasakan oleh semua pihak. Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama (UNU) NTB salah satu universitas swasta di Nusa Tenggara Barat juga melakukan sistem perkuliahan daring selama masa pandemi covid-19, perubahan sistem ini mendorong peneliti untuk melakukan penelitian internal kampus di Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama NTB untuk mengetahui motivasi belajar mahasiswa selama masa pandemi covid-19. Adapaun instrument yang peneliti gunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu kuesioner, sedangkan sampel penelitian yaitu mahasiswa Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama NTB yang aktif mengikuti perkuliahan daring selama masa pandemi covid-19. Ada 3 variabel yang peneliti gunakan untuk mengukur motivasi belajar mahasiswa selama masa pandemik covid-19, yaitu: menyelesaikan tugas mandiri (problem solving), kejujuran (responsibility), dan semangat mencari literasi (digital literacy). Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa sekalipun perkuliahan di masa pandemic covid-19 dilakukan secara daring tidak mengurangi motivasi belajar mahasiswa Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama NTB, hal ini dibuktikan dengan presentasi hasil analisis kuesioner setiap butirnya berkisar antara 65% sampai dengan 89%. Abstract: West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) is one of the provinces in Indonesia that also felt the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, one of the sectors also affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, namely the Education sector. Online learning system (online) is an option made by the government so that teaching and learning activities (KBM) in the era of Covid-19 protesters continue to run, despite many obstacles felt by all parties. Nahdlatul Ulama University (UNU) NTB one of the private universities in West Nusa Tenggara also conducted an online lecture system during the covid-19 pandemic, this system change encouraged researchers to conduct internal campus research at Nahdlatul Ulama Ntb University to find out the motivation of student learning during the covid-19 pandemic. The instrument that researchers used in this study is a questionnaire, while the research sample is a student of Nahdlatul Ulama University NTB who actively participated in online lectures during the covid-19 pandemic. There are 3 variables that researchers use to measure students' learning motivation during the covid-19 pandemic, namely: completing independent tasks (problem solving), honesty (responsibility), and the spirit of seeking literacy (digital literacy). The results of the study showed that even though lectures during the pandemic covid-19 conducted online did not reduce the motivation of students studying Nahdlatul Ulama NTB University, this is evidenced by the presentation of questionnaire analysis results of each item ranging from 65% to 89%.