Argumentation et Analyse du Discours (Oct 2018)
Pour une lecture du zouglou comme pratique discursive interculturelle
The objective of this article is twofold: identify the discursive places of the intercultural; characterize the zouglou in Côte d'Ivoire as an intercultural practice. This form of artistic expression was revealed to the general public in 1990. Students, through this channel, denounce their deleterious conditions of study and life. The phenomenon is amplified and is taken by young people out of school. For 28 years, the zouglou has been holding a privileged place on the ivorian music scene. The first part of the analysis defines the intercultural and recalls the previous studies that have articulated it with discourse analysis. The intercultural, within this framework, is enshrined in the enunciative, dialogic and interactional dimensions of discourse. The second part examines the enunciative instances, the zougloumen and the audience, and proceeds to construct their discursive identity. The third part situates zouglou into a socio-discursive imaginary of diversity. Indeed, Multilingualism and musical heterogeneity are the main characteristics of it. Finally, the fourth part highlights the mechanisms of weakening identity specificities, such as the game of anthroponyms, pseudonyms and stereotypes.