Musica Docta (Dec 2017)
La formazione degli insegnanti di musica tra passato prossimo, presente e futuro
In the past two decades, Italian legislation on teacher training underwent several reforms, which have radically changed its perspective - from a final certification mostly based on savoir savant competences (scholarly knowledge, as in the former qualification course) to an approach to subject-related knowledge centering on savoir enseigné (taught knowledge). This has raised many issues which, particularly in the musical domain, have sparkled a debate on the dichotomy, deeply-rooted in Italy, between music as a playful activity and as an internal development factor of culture. The essay therefore examines the legislative models that have followed each other, from the introduction of SSIS (the teacher training college for postgraduates) down to the “Good School” Law, highlighting the strengths and critical aspects of each model, in view of designing a political-cultural approach that can move beyond dichotomies, much to the advantage of music and culture.