Модернизация, инновация, развитие (Apr 2016)
Currently, the foreign arms market dramatically increases competition among manufacturers. Countries such as China and India began to produce some types of weapons that deserve the attention of a potential consumer countries. To execute an order of the President of the Russian Federation "not to lose position in the global market and to supply the Russian army with weapons of the next generation" it is necessary to introduce into production a new technology. The specifi city of enterprises of the military-industrial complex, one cannot expect help in this direction from abroad. It is therefore necessary to rely on their own strength. But, unfortunately, we are currently producing new technologies practically are not engaged. One of the reasons is the lack of modern production facilities.Actively developing the process of the revival of the defence and scientifi c-technological sphere requires the development of fundamentally new models of functioning of enterprises of the military-industrial complex, market-based relationships between government and business. One of the Central problems of defence building is the development and introduction into the daily operations of criteria (indicators) related to the performance of weapons systems in General and each of its subsystems separately, with the costs of maintaining an adequate level of defensibility of the country, and the correlation of this level with the cost, because this shows the effi ciency of the system and its separate links.Annotation. The article investigates the process of innovative development programs for enterprises of the military-industrial complex, which is associated with the necessity of taking into account a signifi cant portion of specifi c factors and indicators that diff erentiate these businesses from the main mass of industrial enterprises.The goal / task. The main purpose of the presentation of material in this article is to analyze the indicators (criteria) of evaluating the eff ectiveness of the investment project as a whole, characterizing, from an economic point of view technical, technological and organizational design decisions.Methodology. In methodological terms, this work represents the justifi cation of the principles of modern control theory, allows to evaluate the dynamic changes in the economy of an industrial enterprise. On the basis of comparative-comparative analysis of identifi ed approaches to the regulation of the industrial production of high-tech enterprises of the military-industrial complex.Results. As a result of the execution of this work describes the economic-mathematical model of innovative development of enterprises engaged in research and development activities and having experienced the production.Conclusions / relevance. Practical application of the results of this work will allow the enterprises of the military-industrial complex to plan for sustainable and innovative development and increase the effi ciency of their activities in the following areas: ensuring independence from commercial interests by maintaining the state monopoly on the strategic aspect of the military-industrial complex; maintenance needs competition in the sphere of production, primarily high-tech civilian and military products, on the one hand, will not allow unreasonably infl ate the cost; on the other hand, will limit the growth of prices for the related enterprises (including commercial enterprises); promoting investment of enterprises at the expense of growth of own funds and of attracting additional sources of funding; expand the range and the range of produced military and civil products, including through various forms of optimization (diversifi cation) activities.