Фізичне виховання, спорт і культура здоров’я у сучасному суспільстві (Jun 2017)
Injuries During Physical Education Students as a Pedagogical Problem
The article focuses on the prevention of trauma in the process of physical education among students of higher educational institutions. It has been determined that pedagogical conditions for the prevention of accidents are the best means of combating injuries. The preventive focus of Ukrainian health care determines the implementation of a set of preventive measures for the preservation and strengthening of human health. These measures include a large-scale system of measures for the prevention of injuries, in particular in the process of physical education. To achieve this, you need to properly organize the classes, create the necessary conditions for the proper level of physical perfection. Promoting this will be the acquisition of elementary knowledge and skills that prevent injury, serious damage, and deterioration of health. Before performing physical exercises it is necessary to worry about the proper equipment – clothes, footwear, and protective equipment. All components of the sport form must be fitted in accordance with the figure, clean. The neglect of special means of safety is absolutely inadmissible. Nobody needs a reassessment of their physical perfection, the erroneous belief that insuring means of heavy and uncomfortable that they create the impression of lack of genuine courage provoke students to injuries. The next rule is qualitative warm-up. And this is not a formality, as it often seems to students. Preparatory exercises, presentation of the structure of the previous movements help to bring the nervous system to the optimum state, activate respiration and blood circulation, «warm up muscles» and «scroll» the joints. Man begins to better orient in space, its movements become more economical, internal organs and systems acquire the ability to withstand the most severe mode of physical and neuro-emotional stress.