Celestinesca (Jan 2021)

The author of the first act of the <i>Comedia de Calixto y Melibea</i>: the Arcipreste de Talavera, Alfonso Martínez de Toledo

  • Jesús Fernando Cáseda Teresa

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 42, no. 0
pp. 9 – 56


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The author tries to show that Alfonso Martínez de Toledo was the author of the first act of the Comedia de Calisto y Melibea and, probably, of the general plan of the first full-version, as well. This analysis focuses, among other things, on the character of Calisto with regard to the biography of Alfonso Martínez de Toledo, the identifiable references to the kingdom of Aragon, the action being set in Barcelona, the style and tructure coincidences between El Corbacho and La Celestina, etc.
