Química Nova (Oct 2005)
Hemes férricos pentacoordenados e hexacoordenados dos monômeros d nativo e reconstituído da hemoglobina extracelular de Glossoscolex paulistus: estudos espectroscópicos em meio ácido Pentacoordinate and hexacoordinate ferric hemes from the native and reconstituted d monomers of Glossoscolex paulistus extracellular hemoglobin: spectroscopic studies in acid medium
UV-Vis and fluorescence spectroscopic studies of the native and reconstituted d monomers of Glossoscolex paulistus were performed in acid medium. The coexistence of distinct species shows the complexity of the equilibria. Besides the hexacoordinate low spin hemichrome, with bands at 535 and 565 nm, a pentacoordinate high spin hemichrome is identified by the blue-shifted low intensity Soret band (371 nm) and the LMCT band (643 nm). The pentacoordinate hemichrome must be related to the partial unfolding of the polypeptide.