Вісник проблем біології і медицини (Dec 2020)
The morphological aspects of the rearrangement of the structural components of the duodenum of rabbits during surgery and suturing of the wound defect with synthetic monofilament thread Desmosin modified with L-arginine were investigated. To determine the main morphological parameters, duodenal biopsies were removed and compacted into paraffin and epoxy resin according to conventional methods. Semi-thin sections 4-5 μm thick were made from paraffin blocks, which were then stained with hematoxylin and eosin, according to van Gizon with Hart addition. Epoxy blocks were made into thin sections 1-2 μm thick and stained with methylene blue and toluidine blue. Morphometrically determined the average size of the intestinal wall, namely: the average total thickness of the intestinal wall; the average thickness of the mucous membrane; the average thickness of the submucosa; average thickness of the muscular membrane; the average thickness of the serous membrane. The morphometric characteristics of the elements of the hemomicrocirculation were determined. Measured the average height of the villi, the average apical width of the villi, the average basal width of the villi, the average diameter of the lumen of the lymphatic vessel of the villi, the average depth of the crypts, the average diameter of the crypts. In parallel, the average number of structural elements of the duodenal mucosa in the villi was calculated: the average number of columnar epitheliocytes with a border; the average number of goblet cells; average number of endocrinocytes; the average number of intraepithelial lymphocytes; in crypts: average number of columnar epitheliocytes; the average number of goblet cells; the average number of Paneth cells; average number of endocrinocytes. It was determined that when using this modified thread, the course of the phases of inflammation and the formation of connective tissue scar is more reactive, which has a positive effect on the postoperative course. The reaction of the intestinal wall and its membranes indicate the passage of an inflammatory process in it with the involvement of all its membranes and edema of the connective tissue component, resulting in an accumulation of leukocyte infiltrate in the submucosal membrane. The vascular reaction in response to the implantation of suture material was in the mucous membrane by dilation of arterioles and venules in the early stages of observation and narrowing of capillaries; in the submucosa: dilation of arterioles in the same period of the experiment and narrowing of capillaries and venules in the early stages of the experiment. The villous component of the ileum mucosa of the perivulnar zone at the optical level was visualized with elements of edema, as evidenced by the increase in early observation of the average villi height, the average apical width of the villi and the average basal width of the villi. It was determined that the reaction of the lymphatic capillaries of the villi of the mucous membrane of the ileum have a mixed nature and associated with the phases of the inflammatory process and the formation of connective tissue scar.