Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics (Jul 2024)
Perinatal Presentation and Outcome of High Birthweight Infants in Zaria, Nigeria
background: Infants with high birth weight are candidates for birth trauma, birth asphyxia and sometimes, death. Perinatologists are therefore gradually beaming t h e s e a r c h l i g h t s o n t h e contribution of high birthweight delivery to perinatal morbidity and mortality. Objectives: To determine the prevalence presentation and outcome of high birthweight deliveries in Zaria. Methods: A retrospective review of records of babies delivered at Ahmadu Be l lo Unive r s i ty Te a ching Hospi t a l , Za r i a , weighing 4000 grams and above at birth, over a 4-year period was undertaken. Maternal and neonatal records were obtained from the delivery suite and neonatal unit respectively, between January, 2005 and December, 2008. Data were analyzed with EPI INFO version 3.5.1 and statistical significance was set at p<0.05. Results: Of the 3065 deliveries in the study period, 167 (5.5%) weighed 4000 grams and above, giving a prevalence of 54.5 per 1000 births. The male: female ratio was 1.2:1, mean birthweight was 4340±290 grams and 65.9% of them were delivered during the rainy season. High birthweight delivery was associated with high maternal age, high birth order and as s i s ted del ivery. Per inatal a s p h y x i a , h y p o g l y c a emi a , hyperbilirubinaemia, sepsis and trauma were the common perinatal conditions in high birthweight babies. Perinatal mortality rate for high birthweight babies was 3.9 per 1000 total births and 71.9 per 1000 high birthweight deliveries. Conclusion: High birthweight deliveries in the present study had high perinatal morbidity and mortality. Antenatal prediction and generous use of Caesarian section could reduce the prevalent morbidity and mortality rates.