Politeja (Jul 2019)

El taller de teatro: un reto para el aprendizaje ELE en sinohablantes

  • Mercè Ballespí Villagrasa

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 16, no. 3(60)


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Theatre Workshop: A Challenge for Chinese Students Learning Spanish as a Second or a Foreign Language Based on a specific teaching experience, this paper reveals some specific factors for learning language and Spanish culture during the process of creating a theatre workshop with a group of students from China. Since 2013, the University of Lleida (Spain) through the Diploma of Hispanic Studies (DEH) and the collaboration of Aula Municipal de Teatre of Lleida has taught theatre workshops previously with public presentation conducted entirely in Spanish, with Chinese students who not only want linguistic immersion in Hispanic environment, but also cultural. The advantages and the results obtained are detailed thanks to the use of dramatic expression in the learning of Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE) as well as the difficulties, the didactics and the methodology used during four academic courses with 75 Chinese students.
