Вестник Мининского университета (Apr 2018)
Introduction: the study of biographies and bibliographies of scientists who emigrated from Russia allows us to more objectively assess scale of losses of domestic psychological scientific community caused by emigration of scientists after social upheavals (the revolution of 1917 and the Civil War that followed them) at beginning of the 20th century. This article calls for recalling that contribution of women to psychological science is not yet sufficiently understood. In this article, we tried to restore the biography of MA. Rikers-Ovsiankina, briefly describe the directions of her research, and, thus, supplement information about her in Russian-language sources.Materials and methods: the following research methods were used in the work: historical-genetic, historical-functional, biographical, method of systematization of scientific ideas of the researcher in question.Results: more complete data of autobiography and bibliography of one of Russian women psychologists who emigrated from Russia in the first half of the 20th century were recovered in article. Maria Rickers-Ovsiankina (1898-1993) - psychologist, student of Kurt Levin, author of scientific works on the problem of unfinished actions, psychodiagnostics by method of ink spots of Rorschach, studies of socio-psychological problems, emigrated from Vladivostok to Berlin, and in 1931 in the USA, where with Tamara Dembo and Yevgenia Hanfmann, they formed a stable professional psychological community.Discussion and Conclusions: the data on biography and scientific heritage of Maria Rickers-Ovsiankina presented in article allow to reveal features of formation of women in psychology, referring to historical aspects that help to understand situation with women psychologists, and, in addition, to clarify the situation of women scientists, including Russian emigrants, in science and assess their contribution to the development of psychological knowledge.