Patient Experience Journal (Apr 2020)

Is there a correlation between the patient-doctor relationship questionnaire and other patient-reported experience measures?

  • Amanda I. Gonzalez,
  • Joost T.P. Kortlever,
  • Léon Rijk,
  • David Ring,
  • Laura E. Brown,
  • Lee M. Reichel


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Patient reported experience measures (PREMs) can quantify the quality of the patient-clinician relationship, which is associated with adherence and improved health. However, the scales used to assess PREMs have large ceiling effects, which limits our ability to learn and improve. This study assessed the correlation of four PREMs: the patient-doctor relationship questionnaire (PDRQ), a measure of perceived empathy, a measure of satisfaction with the visit, and a measure of communication effectiveness. We also assessed ceiling effects. We prospectively enrolled 103 new and return patients in this cross-sectional study. Patients completed a demographic questionnaire, the PDRQ, Jefferson Scale of Patient Perceptions on Physician Empathy (JSPPPE), four questions assessing communication effectiveness from the Clinician and Group Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CG-CAHPS), an 11-point ordinal measure of satisfaction with the doctor, and four psychological measures. Correlations and ceiling effects were measured. In bivariate analysis, PDRQ had large correlations with measures of perceived empathy (r=0.58, PExperience Framework This article is associated with the Policy & Measurement lens of The Beryl Institute Experience Framework. ( Access other PXJ articles related to this lens. Access other resources related to this lens.
