Revista Cubana de Oftalmología (Dec 2007)
Traumatismos oculares Ocular traumas
Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de tipo retrospectivo longitudinal cuyo universo estuvo constituido por 72 ojos de 72 pacientes con traumatismos oculares mecánicos que fueron hospitalizados en el Hospital Militar Central “Dr. Carlos J. Finlay” desde enero de 1999 hasta enero de 2005. Para el análisis estadístico de la información se utilizó el programa automatizado SPSS versión 11.5 en el cual también se conformó la base de datos y se realizaron los cálculos de acuerdo con el tipo de variable analizada. Se utilizaron medidas de resumen, tendencia central y asociación estadística con un nivel de significación de p A retrospective longitudinal and descriptive study was carried out in 72 eyes from 72 patients with mechanical occular traumas, who had been hospitalized in “Dr. Carlos J. Finlay” Military Hospital from December 1999 to January 2005. For the statistical data analysis, an automated program (SPSS 11.5 version) was used to create the database and estimations were made according to the variable types. Summary measures, central tendency measures and statistical association with significance level equal to p < 0.05 were employed. Males prevailed (95.8%), the average age was 30.26 years with a minimum rate of 17 years and maximum rate of 82 years. The most frequent mechanisms of trauma were aggressions (23. 6%) and injures from secondary projectiles (13.9%). The anterior segment traumas were more frequent (61, 1%) than posterior segment traumas (6.94%). Both segments of the eyeball were affected in 39, 1% of eyes which evinced the worst visual acuity. The most common associated injures were hyphema (54, 2%) and vitreous hemorrhage (16.6%). Closed trauma (contusions) were more common and most of the eyes had better final visual acuity (45, 2% with vision range of 0.6-1.0 and 26.2% with vision range of 0.59-0.1). On the other hand, eyes affected by open trauma (simple wound, contusion-wound, wound with intraocular foreign body and contusion-wound with intraocular foreign body) exhibited higher percentage of eyes with 0.1 or lower vision acute. The worst results were found in those eyes affected by simple wounds (25%) and contusion-wounds (15.3%). Late complications such as cataracts, corneal leukomas and retinal detachment, occurred more frequently. The type of trauma causing the highest number of complications was wound cause by intraocular foreign bodies.