Teras Jurnal: Jurnal Teknik Sipil (Mar 2024)

Analisis Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Mutu Beton Ready Mix

  • Yola Andara Pratami Suri,
  • Vera Agustriana Noorhidana,
  • Masdar Helmi,
  • Mohd Isneini

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 14, no. 1
pp. 171 – 186


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Abstrak Batching Plant sebagai pengolah beton ready mix untuk pembangunan jalan. Dahulu terjadi penurunan mutu beton laboratorium dan lapangan. Akhirnya melatar belakangi penelitian dengan tujuan menganalisis faktor penyebab penurunan mutu seperti; standarisasi SNI material, waktu tempuh beton ke lapangan, perlakuan sampel, komposisi beton. Langkah yang digunakan ialah pengujian material, uji slump dan suhu campuran di laboratorium dan lapangan, mencatat waktu perjalanan dan tuang beton, pembuatan sampel lapangan dan laboratorium, pembuatan sampel khusus, pengujian kuat tekan beton mutu fc’10 MPa dan kuat tarik lentur beton mutu Fs’4,5 MPa usia 7 dan 28 hari, menggunakan Statistical Quality Control (SQC). Hasil kuat tekan dan kuat tarik lentur sampel laboratorium dan lapangan tidak konstan bahkan berada dibawah nilai (LCL). Penyebabnya pasir dengan kadar lumpur diatas 5%. Mengatasinya dengan penambahan Admixture, admixture Naptha E-121 0,9% menjadi 1,2%, Naptha RD-31 0,2% sampel balok dan Naptha E-121 0,3% menjadi 0,6%, Naptha RD-31 0,2% silinder. Kata kunci: Beton, Statistical Quality Control, Admixture Abstract Batching Plant as a readymix concrete processor for road construction. In the past, there was a decline in the quality of laboratory and field concrete. Finally, the background for research with the aim of analyzing the factors causing quality decline such as; SNI standardization of materials, concrete travel time to the field, sample treatment, concrete composition. The steps used are material testing, slump testing and mixture temperature in the laboratory and field, recording travel and pouring times for concrete, making field and laboratory samples, making special samples, testing the compressive strength of FC'10 MPa quality concrete and the flexural tensile strength of Fs quality concrete. '4.5 MPa aged 7 and 28 days, using Statistical Quality Control (SQC). The results of the compressive strength and flexural tensile strength of laboratory and field samples are not constant and are even below the (LCL) value. The cause is sand with a mud content above 5%. Overcome this by adding admixture, admixture Naptha E-121 0.9% to 1.2%, Naptha RD-31 0.2% for beam samples and Naptha E-121 0.3% to 0.6%, Naptha RD-31 0 .2% cylinder. Keywords: Concrete, Statistical Quality Control, Admixture
