Андрология и генитальная хирургия (Jun 2019)
The corporoplasty of Peyronie’s disease with the xenograft and the synthetic graft
The study objective is the demonstration of innovative surgical technologies of performing reconstructive plastic surgery on the penis using the grafts and also analysis of the results of treatment.Materials and methods. The reconstructive plastic surgery was performed in 28patients with Peyronie’s disease (erectile deformity of the penis more than 30°). It was the grafting of the tunica albuginea of the penis. In 6 cases the xenopericardium was used and in 22 cases — the synthetic biomaterial. The exposure of the circumcisio was performed with the excision of the fibrous plaque of the penile tunica albuginea with the replacement of the defect with the graft to 20 cm2 in area.Results. In 1, 3 and 6 months after surgery all patients (100 %) had no regrets about surgical treatment. We had no cases of infection or rejection of the xenograft and synthetic graft. In 3 and 6 months after surgery, 25 and 35.7 % of patients, respectively, reported the lengthening of the penis during erection, which we associate with the use of traction therapy after complete wound healing. International Index of Erectile Function increased in 3 and 6 months after surgery. In 3 (10.7 %) cases there was a residual curvature (<30°), which disappeared almost completely in 6 months after the surgery. In 2 cases, there was a shortening of the penis to 2 cm and its deviation to 30° after corporoplasty with xenograft.Conclusion. The use of the xenopericardium provides an excellent result du to its strength, biocompatibility, variety of sizes (up to 144 cm2), and the absence of pronouncedfibro-sclerotic restructuring of surrounding tissues.