Ri-vista: Ricerche per la Progettazione del Paesaggio (Nov 2015)
Una resistenza “verde” contro il degrado urbano: il Guerrilla Gardening
In the early 1970’s, a small group of American ambientalists squatted a vacant lot in Manhattan to create a small garden in response to the scarcity of public space in their neighbourhood. Forty years later, “Guerrilla Gardening” became an international network of independent activists fighting against globalized commerce and the strict rules of urban planning to improve the quality of open space. They regenerated forbidden public and private open spaces at different scales: from small sizes such as public flowerbeds to large pieces of land around the city. The legacy of “Guerrilla Gardening” creates an opportunity for urban planners and architects to rethink the strategy of open space in the urban environment and to realize the importance of informal work in the transformation and management process of the city.