Zhongguo cuzhong zazhi (Jul 2019)
医联体模式下神经内科专科培训基层医务人员模式的探索 Exploration of Specialized Training of Primary Medical Staff in Neurology in the Mode of Hospital Consortium
【摘要】 随着医联体的建立及分级诊疗政策的推进,医联体内三级医院的医师去社区医院出诊及指导社区医师成为普遍现象。在上级医院与基层社区医院医师的联系中,如何更有效地提高医联体内基层医务人员的整体医疗水平成为迫切需要解决的问题。北京大学第三医院针对基层神经内科专业医务人员的特点和需求,制订针对性培训方案,建立了以基层医务人员为中心的多模式神经专科培训。通过培训,使医联体内基层医务人员独立诊治神经内科常见病的水平的得到提升,对神经内科少见病、疑难病有了更深入的了解。 【Abstract】 With the establishment of hospital consortium and the promotion of the policy of hierarchical medical system, it has become very common for doctors from the tertiary hospitals in the hospital consortium to visit in community hospitals and guide doctors in community hospitals. When guiding the primary medical doctors in hospital consortium, it becomes an important problem to improve their medical professional level. Based on the characteristics and needs of primary medical staff, Beijing University Third Hospital put forward targeted training program and established a multimodal neurological training for primary medical staff. Through this mode of training, the primary medical doctors’capability of diagnosing and dealing with the common neurological diseases were improved greatly, and they had a much better and deeper understanding of rare and difficult neurological diseases.