Slovenska Literatura (Feb 2015)
Jdn E. Bor - Michal PovaZan: A Literary lnterview
The interview is a part of the yet unpublished book of interviews carried out by J. E. Bor in the year 1944 with several significant representatives of the literary life in contemporary Slovakia (J. Smrek, M. Chorváth, M. Bakoš, J. Silan). The subject of the interview with Michal Považan is the specific poetics of Slovak Surrealism, which did not mechanically adopt the elements of French Surrealism e.g. in linking its production to Slovak poetic tradition. In this context Považan draws attention to Janko Kráľ´s poetry, whose work Slovak Surrealists creatively expanded. He also expresses his opinion about the concept of Structuralist criticism, the methods of which he used in analysing the works by J.C. Hronský (Jozef Mak and Gráč the Scrivener). Považan also comments in his interview on the topics which are related to the critical reflection of the contemporary literary life.