Archives of Pharmacy Practice (Feb 2011)

Stress, “A Proxy Killer” and Role of Adaptogen as Antistress Agent

  • T Prakash,
  • Nitesh Chauahan,
  • Jiban Debnath,
  • Divakar Goli

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 1
pp. 6 – 10


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Stress is a non-specific immune response of the body known toalter the physiological homeostasis of the organism resulting invarious neuronal endocrinal and visceral functions. Derailmentof the immune system contributes for the alteration in thehomeostasis and resulting in stress related disturbances.Stress responses are composed of alterations in behavior,autonomic function and the secretion of multiple hormonesincluding adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) andcortisol/corticosterone, adrenal catecholamine, oxytocin,prolactin and renin. The concept of “Adaptogen” as a group ofmedicinal substances was first adopted by Lazarev.Adaptogens are the substances that push the organism into “astate of non-specific heightened resistance (SNIR)” in order tobetter resist stressors and adapt to extraordinary challenges.They normalize the body functions; strengthen systems andfunctions that are compromised by stress and have aprotective effect against a wide variety of environmental andemotional stress. Till date various substances (natural,synthetic) and techniques (yoga, exercise) have been used tocontrol the stress and stress related disorder. Among thoseadaptogens are the substances on which less research has beencarried out hence in this article we have made an attempt toreview the history, potential and different plausible mode ofaction of adaptogen along with different experimental animalmodel for the evaluation of an adaptogen.
