Miqot: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman (Dec 2019)
Pemikiran Fikih Muhammad Asywadie Syukur
Abstrak: Artikel ini berupaya mengkaji pemikiran fikih Asywadie Syukur sebagai seorang ulama, akademisi dan sekaligus politisi. Pemikirannya meliputi tidak hanya terkait persoalan klasik tetapi juga persoalan kontemporer dan bahkan yang masih menjadi polemik di masyarakat, yang dihasilkan dari proses metodologis baik metode qaulî maupun metode manhajî. Dari proses inilah membuat Asywadie Syukur tidak terikat hanya pada satu mazhab tetapi terbuka pula pada mazhab yang lain. Namun karena referensi yang digunakan lebih dominan ke mazhab Syâfi‘î, kecenderungan fikih pun identik ke mazhab Syâfi‘î dengan tipologi tradisionalisme sekaligus neo-tradisionalisme bermazhab. Di sisi lain, Asywadie Syukur juga bermanhaj pada teori-teori kemaslahatan sehingga jika dikembalikan pada teori besar tipologi, disamping masuk dalam tipologi tradisionalisme ia juga masuk dalam tipologi modernisme.Abstract: Islamic Legal Thought of Muhammad Asywadie Syukur. This article seeks to examine Islamic legal thought of Asywadie Syukur as a scholar, academician and politician. His works covers not only in the field of the classical perspective, but also related to contemporary issues. But whatever they are, its naturally produced through the methodological process using either a qaulî or manhajî method. Based on this process, Asywadie Syukur is not confined to one particular school of legal thought. However, due to the fact that the references used are predominantly that of Syâfi’î, the tendency of his thought is identical with the principles of the latter with a typology of traditionalism with neo-traditionalism as a consequences of madhhab follower. Consequently, Asywadie Syukur follows the theories of public interest so that if is referred to grand theory of typology, in addition to traditionalism typology he also engaged in modernism typology.Kata Kunci: fikih, Asywadie Syukur, qaulî, manhajî, ushul fikih