Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift (Jan 2018)
Metoder och möjligheter i nytestamentlig exegetik. Om några hermeneutiska aspekter av ny bibelforskning
This article discusses the hermeneutical implications of three significant methodological advances in New Testament studies, namely, rhetorical criticism, narrative criticism and the use of mnemonic theories in the study of the historical Jesus. Rhetorical criticism challenges us to think again about concepts of truth and reve-lation and narrative criticism gives impulses for conceptualizing narrative theology and the complex ways in which narratives might point beyond themselves. The focus on mnemonic theories problematizes prevalent reconstructionistic ideas and practices of Biblical research makes us aware of history as a hermeneutical cate-gory that involves human existence and both fact and fiction in the creation of history. By sketching these im-plications, this articles wishes to stimulate an informed discussion concerning how churches and theology in Sweden might approach and use the Bible responsibly.