GeoSport for Society (Nov 2019)
Cartographic representation of a sports (football) competition – UEFA Youth League (2013-2019)
The sports phenomenon, football in this case, is analyzed through the angle of the inter-clubs’ European competition UEFA Youth League, for teams with players aged under 19. By means of the used cartographic methods, our purpose was to build a useful tool in elaborating territorial planning and development strategies, applicable on local, regional and even continental level. The spatial representation, through adjusted methods, of certain quantitative elements (reflected through number) combined with the qualitative ones (performance) in graphic and cartographic synthetic materials, set in chronological order, finalizes our endeavor with the elaboration of synthetic products of great practical utility. There are analyzed the affiliated federations, participating teams, represented localities etc., the relations between them, their temporal activity sequence and their performances. The resulting maps are thus representations of territorial realities and they faithfully portray the condition of the sports phenomenon through temporal sequences and through its spatial distribution, as a reflection of the support human society.