مجلة جامعة الانبار للعلوم الصرفة (Dec 2023)
Induction of Photodegradation of Poly(vinyl alcohol) Using a Cobalt Binary Mixed Ligand Complex
The present study included optical degradation of pure polyvinyl films and also when mixing the complex [Aqua diphylcarbazide thiourea Cobalt (||)]chloride by weight (0.1% - 0.00625 %) and polymer films dissolved in water and thickness (60±5) microns. The optical degradation of the prepared chips was followed up with the presence and absence of the added complex by violet-visible spectroscopy (U.V) using light with a maximum wavelength (356nm) and at different irradiation times (0,10,20,40,80) hours by calculating the constant rate of photolysis of the polymer additive. Using (FT. IR) by increasing the absorption coefficient of the hydroxyl group (IOH). It was found that an increase in the concentration of the additive complex leads to an increase in the photolysis of polymer sheets compared to sheets without it, which in turn leads to an increase in the values of hydroxyl absorption coefficients. These results are consistent with the value of the speed constant of optical degradation the highest value of the dissociation constant (KD) and follow-up by changing the viscosity to weight ratio, degree of degradation and rate of chain cutting.