Aktualʹnye Problemy Èkonomiki i Prava (Jun 2015)
Evaluation of implementation of the strategy of the economy innovation-oriented development in Russian regions
Objective to develop methods for analyzing and determining the level of socioeconomic development of the Russian Federation subjects towards innovations. Methods dialectical and systemic approaches to the consideration of economic phenomena and facts processing and synthesis of information using statistical and graphical methods of analysis. Results it was determined that the transition to intensive economic growth as a vital in the longterm strategy for accelerated economic development is not implemented in all regions of Russia. There are disparities in the level of innovation activity and investment performance. Scientific novelty the method used for estimating the efficiency of implementing and realization of the potential of innovationoriented development in the Russian Federation regions was the method of ranking based on information on the key indicators labour productivity capital productivity sustainability of the regional economy production of innovative goods works and services expenditure on research and development investment in technological innovation in the region. Practical value financing and implementation of innovative projects industrial production and technical innovation special economic zones technology parks etc. proved their efficient impact on the growth and performance of the entire regionrsquos economy. The highest positions in the ranking of innovative development are occupied by the regions with high innovative attractivity and welldeveloped energy and raw materials industry. nbsp