中西医结合护理 (Mar 2023)
Nursing of a patient with stage III pressure ulcer infection treated by compound Huangbai lotion combined with silicone foam dressing (黄柏洗液辅以硅酮泡沫敷料治疗1例压疮患者的护理体会)
This paper summarized the nursing measures for a patient with stage III pressure ulcer infection treated by compound Huangbai lotion combined with silicone foam dressing. On the basis of routine nursing and Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing by syndrome differentiation, wet compress wit compound Huangbai lotion and silicone foam dressing were adopted. The integration of Traditional Chinese and Western medicine is potentially effective to relieve pain, control inflammatory reaction and promote wound healing. (本文总结1例采用复方黄柏洗液湿敷辅以硅酮泡沫敷料覆盖治疗患者压疮的护理经验。在常规护理措施的基础上, 通过中医辨证施护, 采用复方黄柏洗液湿敷清热消肿配合硅酮泡沫敷料减压, 中西医结合干预缓解患者压疮疼痛, 控制炎症反应, 促进创面愈合。)